Membership/About Us

Membership/About Us

About the WVADA

The Purpose of the WVADA:

*To foster higher standards of professional proficiency and ethics

*To improve athletic understanding and relationship throughout the State of West Virginia

*To establish a closer working relationship with related professional groups

*To promote greater unity and fellowship among all members

*To emphasize the image and value of athletics as part of the total education process

*To cooperate with the administrative head of the high schools in the organization, supervision and administration of the interscholastic athletic program

*To work in co-operation with the National Federation of State High School Association, the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission, The National Interscholastic, Athletic Administrators Association, The West Virginia secondary Principals’ Commission and the West Virginia Coaches Association to promote athletic activities within our state.

*To work to alleviate the financial crisis facing the operation of high school athletes in the State of West Virginia.

Click here for the WVADA Constitution

WVADA Meetings

Annual Meeting: The annual meeting is normally a two-day affair with outstanding speakers and a great opportunity to mingle with fellow Athletic Directors.

Board of Directors Meetings- WVADA officers and regional directors meet to organize Annual Meeting and as necessary.

WVADA Awards

1. Athletic Director of the Year - presented to an individual who has been recognized as going above a beyond in their position.

2. Distinguished Service Award Presented to an individual or individuals who are not part of the athletic administration but who have contributed greatly to high school athletics in West Virginia.

3. Award of Merit - from NIAAA Presented to members of WVADA who have contributed leadership and service above and beyond specified duties of athletic administration. Designated by the Board of Directors

4. Career Award - this award recognizes and rewards individuals from out membership who have admiralty served out young people, coaching staff, high school, and association as Athletic Directors.

Career award information is compiled by the regional representatives and sent to the awards chairman. Please help by notifying your regional representative of anyone eligible for these awards. Awards will be presented at the state conference.

*Must be approved by the Board of Directors based on service to the WVADA.