WVADA Membership

The West Virginia Athletic Directors Association membership is open to all persons having the primary responsibility for directing, administrating, or coordination the interscholastic programs in West Virginia’s middle schools or high schools. This includes private and parochial schools that are members of the WVSSAC.

Active members whose dues are paid and who are in good standing shall have full privilege of voting membership.

Honorary membership may be voted on by the Board of Directors as they see fit. There will be no fee nor voting privileges granted this membership.

Membership Resigstration can now be done online by clicking on: UPDATE!!  We are in the process of switchng to Final Forms at this time.:  

If you wish to mail your membership application it can be downloaded under the resources tab and click forms for access.


Membership dues are as follows:
$140- Dual memberships for both the WVADA and NIAAA-Provides $25 off Annual Conference Registration Fee.

$30- Retired membership 
